Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese way to promote the health and wellbeing by restoring the body’s natural balance. It triggers the process of healing and corrects imbalances in your natural energy flow. The acupuncture technique involves inserting the fine, single use, sterilised and disposable needles into the skin at specific points alongside the meridians - the body’s network of energy channels.
The technique is simple, highly effective and efficient and most people feel significant improvement after their first session of acupuncture. Acupuncture can be used alongside conventional medicine.
The needles are very fine and tiny - 8mm long, 0.18mm thick. Most people find acupuncture to be relaxing and with no discomfort. You may feel a sensation of a mosquito bite at the insertion or a tingling which soon disappears once the needle is inserted. Needles can inserted on all parts of the body, scalp, face, ears, limbs, main body, torso, back.
Usually, immediate improvement can be made with chronic and acute health conditions, especially with: Arthritis, Stiffness, Stress related issues, Depression, Insomnia, Tinnitus, Headaches, Migraine, Chronic Fatigue, Digestion problems, Back pain, Frozen Shoulder, Heart disorders, Asthma, Lungs disorders, Diabetes, Eczema. Acupuncture is also successful with Infertility, Men's problems, Mental Health, Addictions, Detoxification.
Facial Acupuncture – apart having the healing effects on the internal organs and stress related, mental, neurological disorders it can be also an effective and non-surgical alternative of health and beauty treatment for cosmetic, rejuvenating purposes to decrease the signs of aging. By increasing the local blood and lymph circulation to the face and stimulating collagen production, it can give firmness to the skin for a heathy and nicer complexion.
There are various cosmetic effects of Facial Acupuncture:
This superficial insertion of very fine and tiny needles will increase the local blood circulation to the face and stimulate collagen production, which will fill out the lines and give firmness to the skin for a heathy, nicer complexion. It leaves you feeling refreshed, relaxed and rejuvenated, full of energy.
Using tiny needles on the ears and scalp can effectively relieve body stiffness, tinnitus, stress, depression, and insomnia.
This method also helps with headaches, migraines, chronic fatigue, detoxification, and addiction recovery. By targeting specific points, it supports overall mental and physical wellness, enhancing both comfort and vitality.
Infertility - Inability to conceive, despite frequent and unprotected intercourse for at least a year. This is a condition of the reproductive system that prevents the conception of children. It affects approximately 10-15% of couples throughout the western countries. The diagnosis of infertility is usually given to couples who have been attempting to conceive for at least 1 year without success.
Treatment depends on various factors such as underlying cause, couple's age and health. Also, various assisted conception techniques are available. First of all, it is crucial to check with your GP what's wrong with both of partners and what is the main reason of infertility. Before going for the invasive medical treatment with chemical drugs which have always lots of unpleasant side effects, why not to have the natural, holistic treatment such as reflexology or acupuncture or both combined. They usually give very good results.
While reflexology, acupuncture, Reiki, lymphatic drainage give immediately sense of deep relaxation, they open the gates for fertility as well.
**Coming Soon**
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Mobile: 0744 28 24 385
References: I would appreciate your Feedback. If there is anything you think I should do better, please let me know. If you had the most amazing treatment, please let me know too and tell also all your friends. You can put your review/recommendation on my Google account and Facebook page, or use the enquiry form below.
Pompey Health & Fitness Club (previously ROKO):
I also volunteer at Macmillan Centre, QA Hospital, helping people with cancer and do the voluntary work for Guide Dogs. I see clients from the wider Portsmouth, Southsea, Drayton, Farlington, Cosham, Widley, Waterlooville, Havant, Emsworth, Chichester, Bognor Regis, Petersfield, Wickham, Fareham, Gosport and Southampton areas.