Iwona Kaminska Reiki, Reflexology & Acupuncture
Portsmouth & Southsea

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Peace & Harmony - Holistic Treatments in Portsmouth & Southsea

Lymphatic Drainage
Holistic Spiritual Treatments
Relaxation, Wellbeing by Holistic Therapy
Reiki, Prana Healing, Distant Healing
Metamorphic Massage
Butterfly Massage
Fertility by Reflexology or Acupuncture
Pregnancy Massage, Maternity Reflexology
Facial Enhancement Acupuncture
Facial Acupuncture
KOBIDO - Japanese Face-Lifting Massage
Facial Reflexology
Large Intestine Reflexology
Cupping Therapy
Head Massage
Deep Tissue Massage
Swedish Massage
Brush Massage
Holistic Retreat
Overcome Infertility, Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Headaches, Constipation
Portsmouth, Southsea, Drayton, Farlington, Cosham, Widley, Waterlooville, Havant, Wickham, Southampton
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Home About Me. Holding Hands


Home About Me. Iwonka Red Hearts with Hand

Welcome to my Holistic Garden - Peace & Harmony

Many years ago became aware of the power and benefits of the holistic, complementary therapies. At that time I had a very stressful job and needed definitely to calm down. I received Reiki treatments and even after the first one I felt the relief.
I started to meditate regularly and then completed 1st and 2nd level of Reiki, 1st and 2nd level of Pranic Healing, 1st level of Theta Healing and Arhatic yoga.
I soon realized that I can help people to feel better, and effects of my treatments were almost immediate, especially removing the headaches or tiredness. I have been receiving very positive feedbacks from the people after my treatments and it encouraged me to study more, to get more understanding of what I’m doing and to practice the other kinds of effective therapies.

In 2014 I completed eleven days of the Facial Reflexology course, Large Intestine Reflexology and Metamorphic Massage which can release deep traumas.

In 2015/2016 I spent the whole year in the Classical Massage School including two weeks of apprenticeship in hospital with Patients with real health problems. The feedback from Patients was really amazing and encouraging.

In 2017/2018 I completed the accredited VTCT level 3 diploma in Reflexology.
I am fully insured with Balens. Federation of Holistic Therapists Membership No.205795

In 2018 and 2019 I attended couple of Acupuncture and Massage courses (including NADA protocol - auricular acupuncture for detoxification and substance misuse) and a Cupping Therapy training.
I have started my Acupuncture adventure with John Tindall at Yuan Clinic & Traditional Medicine College in London http://www.yuantmc.co.uk/
John Tindall is a very dedicated person specialized in an acute and chronic health problems, the most challenging areas of healthcare, teaching and sharing knowledge, helping people to help others, transforming lives through the practice of Qi Gong.
Johns teaches the Hua Gong form of medical Qi Gong which is highly effective in promoting general wellbeing, self-healing, and both spiritual and personal development.
I am truly grateful that I had a chance to study Acupuncture from such a passionate master like John Tindall.

In 2019 I studied Lymphatic Drainage which boosts the immune system, and also Cosmetic and Face-Lifting Massage, Trigger Points Therapy, Drain ThatPain using hypnotherapeutic techniques and also attended EMM-Tech course using EMMETT Techniques which are very effective to improve restrictions in movements, to reduce pain or for breathing problems.

In 2020 I studied KOBIDO – Japanese Face-lifting massage which is very effective and gives almost immediate face improvement results plus general well-being balance.
I also attended a couple of trainings regarding Cancer awareness as I am in the recruiting process for voluntary work with Cancer Patients in MacMillan Centre.

I am vividly interested in improving the eyesight by Bates's exercises, hypnosis, diet, BSM – Biometric feedback from the brain. I cannot wait to the results.

Lymphatic Drainage, Reflexology, Acupuncture, and Reiki are amazing for me.

I am very happy that after many years spent in accountancy, I discovered the wonderful area of helping people which makes me really happy and most grateful.
This holistic adventure is giving me a lot of satisfaction and I am very passionate about it.
Let the miracles happen!!

I live in Portsmouth, working at ROKO Health Club, Hilsea, Portsmouth.
Occasionally, I'm doing treatments in Southsea or Old Portsmouth and at the Solent Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre in North End.
Once a week I'm working at YOU Massage Therapy in Southampton.

In my free time I like studying, meditating, walking along the Seafront with my friends.
We are plunging in the sea every week during winter season >> Cryotherapy.
The results are incredible and a fear is much bigger than actually doing this.

I just love to walk in the mountains and admire the beauty of nature. It fulfils me with wonderful energy with high vibrations. I am a happy, smiling and friendly person and invite you to a therapeutic journey together with positive energy.

Home About Me. Noworodek na brzuszku plus dlonie

Fertility by Reflexology or Acupuncture

Infertility - Inability to conceive, despite frequent and unprotected intercourse for at least a year. This is a condition of the reproductive system that prevents the conception of children. It affects approximately 10-15% of couples throughout the western countries. The diagnosis of infertility is usually given to couples who have been attempting to conceive for at least 1 year without success.
Treatment depends on various factors such as underlying cause, couple's age and health. Also, various assisted conception techniques are available.

First of all, it is crucial to check with your GP what's wrong with both of partners and what is the main reason of infertility. Before going for the invasive medical treatment with chemical drugs which have always lots of unpleasant side effects, why not to have the natural, holistic treatment such as reflexology or acupuncture or both combined. They usually give very good results.

While reflexology, acupuncture, Reiki, lymphatic drainage give immediately sense of deep relaxation, they open the gates for fertility as well.

Lymphatic Drainage

Specific pressure and rhythmic circular movements to stimulate the drainage of the lymph, which carries waste products away from the tissues and Boost the Immune System.
It helps to relieve many conditions by reducing Swelling of limbs especially after medical procedures, sports injuries. It is required after Mastectomy - breast surgery.
After lockdown, I had several Clients with after Covid long-lasting side effects, like tiredness, lack of energy, anxiety, difficulty of concentration, bad sleeping pattern, impossible to relax. Actually, their doctors referred them to have the lymphatic drainage which might help to remove the virus toxins from the body. All these Clients confirmed a HUGE difference in their health after the treatments.

Home About Me. Dlonie w kolku

Reiki - Pranic Healing - Life Force Energy - Distant Healing

A healing technique where the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means off touch, to activate the Natural healing processes of the person’s body and restore Physical and Emotional Wellbeing. It is widely accepted that Reiki can be given and received equally effectively hands-off or via distant healing.  It is safe for adults, children, mothers–to–be, babies and animals as well.
Regular Reiki treatments promote a calmer response to life’s challenges.

DISTANT healing is the practice of sending Reiki to someone who is not in the same place, not in the same room or even in the same country for the Reiki healing to work. It is the practice of tuning into another being, making the energetic connection and sending the energy to that specific location. The energy follows the thought and the thought is unlimited.

Reiki energy is sent with positive intention for the best possible outcome.

KOBIDO - Japanese Face-Lifting Massage

Very effective Japanese natural face-lifting massage.
This facial massage has a long and rich history that dates back to the 15th century. The combination of energising, delicate and sensitive techniques induces a great relaxation effect. After the treatment you will feel rested, relaxed, with a clear mind, just as after a deep and restful sleep.

Japanese massage is also known as the “facelift without surgery”. Both men and women of all ages can benefit from this facial massage which is performed on the head, face, neck and upper chest. Specific techniques applied improve blood circulation and lymph flow, bringing more nutrients to the skin, help with the removal of toxins and encourage collagen production. It regains the tone, lightness and moisturization of the face skin, enhances the beauty and improves the overall appearance of the face, giving it a healthy look and a fresh and youthful feeling. It gradually reduces and prevent wrinkles, sagging and skin blemishes, rejuvenate and repair the facial tissue, even scars.
The overall result is that wrinkles are smoothed, the skin looks brighter with a real rejuvenation effect. Even after the first session, you can already see the face-lifting results which increase with a continued treatment in time.
Looking younger is not the only benefit that Japanese facial massage can provide. It can also aid with fighting all stress related issues, insomnia, digestion, headaches, migraines and anxiety, it improves the vision. It gives the whole body energy balance.
The treatment is very effective and you can feel and see the results immediate after having it.
I am very looking forward to see the beneficial results for my Clients.

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Metamorphic Massage

Gentle massage on the feet, hands and head helping to free Deep Traumas and Blocks in the body's energy flow and brings about resolution of Stuck Patterns at the root of problems.

Usually, good results are obtained for children and adults in case of:
- Down's Syndrome, ADHD, Hyperactivity
- Lack of Concentration, lack of Attention, Sleep Problem
- Irritability, Aggression, Anger, Violence
- Insecurity, low Self-Esteem, lack of Self-Confidence
- Conflicts of Authority, Difficult Birth
- Conflict with Mother, Conflict with Father

Home About Me. Motyl w Dloniach Duzy

Butterfly Massage

Very delicate stroking from head to feet. It is like a subtle Angel’s feather touch. It is done through the clothes and is suitable for any age from new-born to the old age with any health state. It is recommended for pregnant women (2nd and 3rd trimester) for Relaxation and release Tension.

Cupping Therapy

An intensive treatment often used for anti-cellulite massage and very tight muscles.
The cups create a vacuum on the skin to dispel stagnation. It is effective in helping to reduce symptoms in many types of ailments, these include Bronchitis, Colds, Hay Fever, Migraines, Anxiety, Rheumatic diseases, Gastrointestinal issues, reduces Weakness, promotes Relaxation, enhances Blood Circulation, boosts Immune system.

Head Massage

Highly relaxing treatment ensures a truly unwinding experience.

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Brush Massage

It is very Invigorating and Refreshing. It improves blood circulation so the skin can be tighter and less prone to wrinkles and cellulite. It boosts Immune system by stimulating the Lymphatic system, allowing the body to remove waste and toxins more efficiently. It can clear clogged pores and may help with muscle toning.
Skin can feel smoother and looking better. It gives a lot of energy. Really worth to try.

Large Intestine Reflexology

Stimulating the Large Intestine reflexes on legs, feet and face can help with the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). It also aides the digestion and helps to restore regular bowel movement. Taking care of colon helps to restore energy and improve overall health.

Home About Me. Truskawka na Plecach

Holistic Retreat

Holistic Retreat - 6 days
Location - South of Poland, 40 km from Cracow
Hopefully, health circumstances will be friendly and safe for all of us soon and we will be able to travel.

Holistic Treatment

Obviously, everybody is different, has different health conditions, different background, different sources of problems, the body reacts in different way so the effects very for various people.
I cannot guarantee anything but reflexology, acupuncture, Reiki, massage are really worth to try and feel their positive effects.
I believe, the clue is deep relaxation. If the mind, body and spirit are relaxed and balanced, everything goes well and miracles can happen.

Healing Crisis

As after any natural, holistic therapy, sometimes the healing crisis may happen when your body is moving from poor health to good health. It means that you might feel worse before you feel better. This is because sometimes the body is detoxifying faster than the body can get rid of the toxins, especially with chronic conditions. Healing crisis can raise emotional issues as well as physical ones. If you feel more emotional, just cry. It is really good way to release the emotional burden. I’m practicing reflexology over five years and maybe four or five people reported to me that they had healing crisis discomfort so it happens rather not often.
It is very important to drink plenty of water after the treatment to flush toxins out.
No fizzy drinks or alcohol!! And do not fight with yourself once you feel sleepy, just have a nap. It will be very beneficial for you.

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Aftercare Advice

Thank you very much for having your treatment with me.

To get the best from your treatment, I advise that after the treatment you should:
Take at least an hour rest
Drink a lot of water to flush out toxins
Do not eat heavy, big meals
Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, stimulants
Allow yourself just to rest with slow breathing

Sometimes before you feel better, you might feel worse due to more toxins release than your body can get rid of at the time.
Please do not worry about these effects.
They are only temporary and quite normal.

You may feel tired and sleepy
You may feel more emotional than usual
You may use the toilet more often
You may experience the redness of the skin
You may feel hot, cold, pulsating in the body
Symptoms of any illness may feel worse

If you have any questions following your treatment, please contact me
by email or by mobile phone:

Email: Peace.Harmony.Studio@gmail.com
Mobile: 0744 28 24 385

Home About Me. Serce z Kamykow Duze


I would appreciate your Feedback.
If there is anything you think I should do better, please let me know.
If you had the most amazing treatment, please let me know too and tell also all your friends.
You can put your review, recommendation on my Google account Peace & Harmony Google Reviews
Facebook page under this link Facebook Reviews
or by the “SEND A REVIEW” button located on the side bar on this page.

You can find me at:

POMPEY Health & Fitness Club >> previously ROKO
442 Copnor Road, Portsmouth PO3 5EW
Mobile: 0744 28 24 385

Help for those living with Multiple Sclerosis

Volunteering at Macmillan Centre, QA Hospital

Useful Links

Sparkies Emporium An Aladdin's Cave of Treasures

Floral Workshop www.Twistedtwigflorist.co.uk

Kerry @ Huttons Menopause Support

Suicide is the BIGGEST killer of man under 45.
1 man every 2 hours!!

Kinesiologists & Nutritionists Specialising in Hormones and Digestion


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